Saturday, August 30, 2008


new Rondo logo

sketch hella sketch
sketch hella sketch

hella sketch

mask club

mask club

also i feel a bit bored. does anyone need a flier for a show or anything?

Goals for fall:
start screen printing lots and lots.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

pixel poop

it's the shits!
pixel poop

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

zine crash

got back from the symposium. didn't sell too much but maybe that's because i mainly traded! oh man it was so much fun, and equally exhausting.

our table was packed with stuff. i think kids might of been a bit overwhelmed and also(this being our first table anywhere ever) we didn't know how to organize the table to make it easy on the eyes. oh well!

this picture has mostly my stuff in it, new zine, old zine, and buttons galore!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

boss level/pdx zine symp.

FIRST OF ALL: i would like to announce that we did put together an art collective up here in Seattle(finally). and is composed of 8 people now... Almost all of which are linked on the right side of the page.

it's called Boss Level Collective, is Seattle based, and basically rules, or is going to rule(we're just getting started).

so i'm all ready for the portland zine symposium! well sort of. i just need to photocopy my zine tomorrow(having a full time job is a bitch ...)!

here are a few more pages...
comic zine pages
zine pages
comic zine pages

alright!!! i can't wait for portland this weekend, seriously most fun weekend ever.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

comics comics comics

i've been trying to stay in more and finish the comics for the zine symposium. it's so damn hard when everyone you know has their birthdays in the same month! or week for that matter!

anyways i finally finished the color comic for the middle pages of the zine. they turned out neato! S U P E R C O L O R
page 1-done

page2 done

In the next week or so, me and my art buddies here in Seattle are going to start a Seattle Art Collective. It's basically like half of the people listed in the links section plus more. Right now we're just deciding on a name. we have a few good ones, mainly between Wonderscope or Wet Fractions. there are going to be so many good things from this collective I can feel it.

I am almost done watching V: The Series so I think with my next paycheck I'm going to have to buy Star Strek: The Next Generation Season 2.

Speaking of Star Trek, a while ago me and my roomates obtained a fairly large amount of star trek magazine. Loaded with tons of pictures and most notably a pie chart indicating how many times captain kirk takes off his shirt compared to how many times his shirt get ripped.
Kirk Out!